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(upon obtaining The Gidbinn): "I must take this to Ormus." (upon obtaining the Jade Figurine): "I don't sense any magic about this item, very strange." (after talking with Tyrael): " Diablo and Baal have escaped me. (upon killing The Summoner): "That couldn't have been Horazon.

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(upon entering the Arcane Sanctuary): "This plane actually distorts reality! Fascinating!"

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(upon shattering the Tainted Sun Altar): "Who would have thought that such primitive beings could cause so much trouble." (upon entering the Claw Viper Temple): "I sense strong magic within this place." (upon killing Radament): "What a misguided monster." (upon defeating Andariel): "The evil queen has fallen." Act II (upon entering the Catacombs): "This place chills me to the bone." (upon entering the Jail): "If there was magic here it's long gone now." (upon retrieving the Horadric Malus): "I hope the Sisters appreciate this thing." (upon entering the Monastery Gate): "Ahh, the Monastery. (upon killing The Countess): "I hope to find other such treasures." (upon entering the Forgotten Tower): "This place holds many secrets." (upon freeing Deckard Cain): "Deckard Cain, get to the rogue camp!" (upon reaching Tristram): "Tristram was no match for Diablo's fury." (upon touching the Tree of Inifuss): "The ancient tree has an aura of magic about it." (upon touching the Cairn Stones): "These stones radiate powerful magic." (upon killing Blood Raven): " Rest now, Blood Raven." (upon entering the Burial Grounds): " There is dark magic at work here." (upon clearing the Den of Evil): "This cave has been purged of evil." (upon entering the Den of Evil): "This place is trouble." (upon entering the Blood Moor: "Evil beware!" The following information is a list of one-liners made by the Sorceress. In Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, characters can be heard saying things when they reach certain areas or initiate scripted events. Diablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old BonesĢ9 September 2021 Starting Attributes:

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